Essen Spiel 2016 最令人期待的遊戲 Top 10 - The Dice Tower & Rahdo

距離2016年的 Essen Spiel 已經剩不到五天了,近千款遊戲將在這桌遊盛會中亮相,可以想見新遊戲的情報們鐵定會讓人頭昏眼花,所以趕緊讓我們抱抱佛腳,先來看看 The Dice Tower 和 Rahdo 覺得值得好好留意的遊戲吧!

The Dice Tower - Spiel '16 最令人期待的遊戲 Top 10


1. Adrenaline

2. Days of Ire: Budapest 1956

3. HOP!

4. Sola Fide: The Reformation

5. Power Grid: The Card Game

6. Meduris

7. Martians: A Story of Civilization

8. Mi Tierra: New Era

9. Macroscope

10. Around the World in 80 Days


1. Pandemic Iberia

2. Nautilion

3. Rising 5: Runes of Asteros

4. Fabled Fruit

5. Deus: Egypt

6. Pocket Madness

7. La Granja: The Dice Game - No Siesta!

8. Avenue

9. Capital

10. SOL


1. Siege of the Citadel

2. Age of Thieves

3. Sola Fide: The Reformation

4. Sword & Sorcery

5. Kung Fu Panda: The Board Game

6. First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet

7. Rising 5: Runes of Asteros

8. Kharnage

9. Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon

10. Carcassonne: Amazonas

Rahdo - Spiel '16 最令人期待的遊戲 Top 10

1. The Oracle of Delphi

2. Key to the City - London

3. La Granja: The Dice Game - No Siesta!

4. Great Western Trail

5. Railroad Revolution

6. Order of the Gilded Compass

7. Coal Baron: The Great Cardgame

8. 4 Gods

9. The Golden Sails

10. The Colonists
